Monday, April 18, 2011

It's a wrap . . .

It is the last week of the course and time for a wrap. The opportunity to research my kitchen remodel, while completing a blog for this course, has allowed me to engage in a relevant task enhanced by a web 2.0 tool  . . . exactly the type of learning we propose for our students. The weekly posts provided an opportunity and the time to increase my comfort level with blogging; often missed in my ‘hit and run’ experiences with web 2.0 tools in past courses. In addition, I have made the acquaintance of a group of warm and talented people who I would normally have never met and you have contributed very useful comments and suggestions.

Armed with onscreen and hard copy layouts (the digital immigrant in me), I am finalizing my kitchen remodel research. Some minor subjective decisions remain to be made .  . . e.g., select the currently trendy stainless steel appliances, recognizing trends may change at any time, or select another finish. This is a personal space and, in the end, I will lean toward choices that please my eye. After all, “If momma isn’t happy, nobody is happy”. I appreciate the input readers provided, as I value your personal experiences and recommendations.

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching, with its deadlines and hustle and bustle. In June, I will have the opportunity, time, and money (?, an issue in uncertain economic times) to begin my kitchen remodel. Do you have any idea how much I dread the emptying and packing of the kitchen’s contents? As Johnny Carson’s “Carmac” would mystically decree, “Ah, I see a large dumpster in your future”. 

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey!


  1. I have enjoyed your kitchen journey and have made plans to do some kitchen remodeling this summer. Good luck and enjoy every minute of your new kitchen once it is complete. Best of luck in the future. Enjoy your summer break. Kelley

  2. I hope you post pictures of your new kitchen when it is done. I want to see the final product!

  3. I can't wait to be invited over to dinner prepared in the new kitchen. You should keep up the blog for your grandchildren to see what granny went through. Only you can make the decision of what you really want in your kitchen and I know you will make the right one.

  4. I'm excited for you to have the opportunity to do some remodeling in your house. I know that it can be dreadful to pack and unpack things, but think of it as a chance to clean out your kitchen, get rid of things you may no longer need or use, and reorganize everything the way you would like. It's almost like a fresh start.

  5. I have enjoyed reading about your remodeling plans and I expect that you will post a picture when it is complete! You could always continue blogging about whatever you want to blog about!!

  6. Good luck Sue with your kitchen remodeling. It sounds like you received quite a bit of excellent advice and ideas. Hopefully you will post a picture when it is all said and done!

  7. I hope you send me an email of the finished kitchen remodel down the road....I know you are excited. I am a pack rat so as soon as you throw it away, you will need it. But, you also can buy it again! Thrift stores have great things when you need an "oldie" item. I know you will want to clean out and start fresh on many things. So many of my kitchen items really need to be updated. Small items like a measuring cup...Have you seen the ones where you see your measurement from the top? So, I guess the dumpster or donating to a thrift store would be the best.
    Have fun. I've enjoyed "talking" to you.

  8. To officially close out this blog, you should post photographs as you implement this project.

  9. I have always enjoyed "before, during, and after" photos . . . so it is likely I will document the nitty gritty process. And, do you really think I am going to mess up a work of art by actually using it?????? LOL, I can hardly wait!
